Monday, October 27, 2008


Well, another Ayla milestone:) Future breastfeeding moms will soon agree and veteran breastfeeding moms will currently agree it literally is a squirt! When I first came home with Ayla I was reading the appropriate "pee and poop" schedule and after about day 3 or 4 they say "8-12 squirts" are necessary. Little did I know this is EXACTLY what they are. I have just recently stopped giggling when I hear the loud rip come out of my innocent little baby. I also never knew I would get so excited about soiled and wet diapers!
She is on the verge of sleeping through the night, but the poor thing has to wake herself to squirt. It is about fifteen minutes of fussing for 30 seconds, then back to sleep for 30 seconds, so on and so on-until I finally pick her up and wake her up so she can relieve herself, sometimes it is gas, sometimes poo. Well, tonight she did it in her sleep! Hooray for Ayla. Well, I hope you all enjoyed reading about Ayla's bowel movements, thanks for listening!
PS. Mylicon (gas relieving drops for infants) is amazing and works really well after night time feedings. It has a sweet taste so Ayla loves it. I will give it to Ayla after I feed her and then when she is struggling about two hours later to fart (I guess I should say toot now as a mom) I drop some in her mouth. She smiles and heads right back to sleep.