Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sun Lakes 2010

I realized when I started uploading pics for this post that it is the 3rd Sun Lakes post for the Thompson family blog! This trip is one that I have made since I was a baby. We reunite with all my dad's (and mom's) friends and their kids. Here are Ayla, Henry, and Titan - the 3rd generation of Sun Lake's kids. We look forward to this trip every year and now we have even more reason to do so with all these little ones running around.

Ayla and Henry playing a little golf.

The winning team. A scavenger hunt was put together that took us all over the campground tied together in groups of five by a rope. Of course we took 1st place. Ayla was there cheering us on.

Ayla working on her long drive.

Ayla giving her golf flag to Henry. We had so much fun watching (and playing with) these two. I grew up with Henry's dad and now am good friends with his mommy. By the end of the weekend they were running around the campground looking for each other!

We couldn't keep Ayla out of the dirt. Note her constantly dirty face. We gave up on keeping her clean. I mean, we were camping - she is supposed to be dirty :) Please note...


DigWipeUgh, got some in mouthHa, no worries mom

Ayla's first fishing trip. My dad really should have been on that boat with us. A mixed feeling of anger and sadness. He would have loved to bait up a pole and catch fish with her, just like he did with me. He would have shown her how to bait the hook, cast the line, reel it in - shouting "fish on, fish on!". Me, Brett, Ayla, Jimmy (dad's best friend), Chris, Misty, and Henry (Carpinito clan that I grew up with). Couldn't have asked for a better crew.

1 comment:

Meliski said...

This looks like a wonderful camping spot!! Beats my family's annual tradition of camping at the ocean over July 4th -- always guaranteed to be cold, overcast and rainy. No bueno. I think Nathan and I may steal this tradition of yours and make it our own. :)

By the way, I LOVE your new banner picture. Someone has some serious photo talent!